Miss Engdahl's Sculpture Part I Activity (Nov. 8, 2023)
Miss Engdahl selected for 2023 Indiana Educator Fellowship for Creative Teachers
Posted on November 8, 2023At the start of the school year, 4th grade teacher Miss Josie Engdahl was selected for the prestigious program The 2023 Indiana Educator Fellowship for Creative Teachers (FCT), a program of the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) and the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE).
Miss Engdahl was one of just 20 educators from across the state who were chosen to participate in this innovative program! FCT celebrates and supports outstanding educators throughout the state in implementing creativity-centered innovation in the classroom. Click to see the photo gallery below of the art activities that have already taken place.
As part of the Fellowship, Miss Engdahl is participating in a series of immersive, hands-on training activities that will further support students’ academic education through the transformative power of the arts. National and statewide research supports arts integration as a highly effective and rewarding approach to meeting standards while reaching diverse learners, engaging students, and making a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.
Along with the professional development, each FCT educator receives funding to host a free, creative arts residency in their classroom with a guest teaching artist from the community. These artist visits are focused on using the strategies and experiences of the arts to also teach learning in core subjects like reading, math, and science. Miss Engdahl is partnering with Teaching Artist Arianna Peak from the South Bend Art Museum on three in classroom experiences.
On November 1st, the student activity was painting in a watercolor booklet. The booklet reviews information about limestone formation from previous lessons and using watercolors to add details to previous drawings. Students will choose a color scheme and paint all 3 previous drawings.
On Wednesday, November 8th was Sculpture Part I. Students continued their learning about sedimentary rock with a focus on stratum and limestones. They worked with clay and seashells to create their limestone sculptures.
November 15th was Sculpture Part II; students reviewed mudstone and continue learning about different clay molding techniques and created an abstract sculpture.
Last Modified April 2, 2024